Been experimenting with handpainting yarn. In October, took a course on how to handpaint yarn at a great new knitting store in Ottawa, Wabi-Sabi. Along with seven other fibre enthusiasts, painted my first two skeins of yarn. Been hesitant to do this at home - what with white cabinets everywhere - and decided that an alternate location would be preferable.
Had lots of fun - and managed to create two lovely handpainted skeins. Introducing skein #1, a purple, blue and turquoise mix, and skein #2, a monochromatic green mix. Not yet re-skeined, you can see the application areas for the different paint colours.
In mid October came across a great find at Value Village - 10 balls of Medil Kid Seta in a cream colour, which is very much a Kidsilk Haze look alike. Immediately thought about handpainting this yarn. Decided to book the Wabi-Sabi studio for a dyeing session (therefore saving my home kitchen from paint spills and vinegar overload).
Started with the balled Kid Seta.....

In preparation for dyeing, re-skeined and tied the 10 balls....
And then the studio session (sorry forgot the memory card for the camera!) Three friends came along, and two of them dyed yarn as well. Was a lovely way to spend a Sunday.
It took about three hours to handpaint the yarn. Decided to graduate the colouring of the skeins, by creating a base colour which used moss green and yellow colouring. Then diluted the base colour into three strengths, then handpainted on the colour.
Yes, I really like greens......
Here the skeins are drying. Need to re-skein, then grade according to colour and then ball into centre-pull balls for knitting. Plan on making one lace cape and one lace shawl.